

The core task of customer committees is to listen to customers' needs and views and to obtain feedback on our operations. In the committees, customers are represented by large, small and medium-sized enterprises. Each customer committee has 8 to 12 members, of which an aliquot change annually. 

Advisory Committee

Fingrid's Advisory Committee is an advisory body and a two-way information channel between the company and its customers. Its task is to facilitate the realisation of main grid business in accordance with the principles set out in the Electricity Market Act. Fingrid also distributes information on its status and plans through the Committee. Representatives of customer groups can, in turn, present their views on matters introduced by the Committee and bring their own proposals on the agenda.

A customer representative acts as the chair, and representation changes every three years. The Committee secretary is from Fingrid.

Advisory Committee members:

Stefan Damlin, Vaasan Sähkö Oy (Chair)
Jouni Haikarainen, Lahti Energia Oy
Petri Hyyryläinen, UPM Communications Papers Oy
Juha Keski-Karhu, Väre Oy
Lauri Laine, Nurmijärven Sähkö Oy
Jerri Loikkanen, Neoen Suomi Oy
Petra Lundström, Fortum Oyj
Sami Kervinen, PKS Sähkönsiirto Oy
Pirita Mikkanen, Metsä Board Oyj
Herkko Plit, P2X Solutions Oy
Olli Sirkka, Helen Oy
Jyrki Tammivuori, Caruna Oy

Fingrid's members:

Asta Sihvonen-Punkka
Jussi Jyrinsalo
Minna Laasonen (secretary)

Grid Committee
The Grid Committee's task is to act as a grid development-related cooperative body between Fingrid and its customers. The agenda often includes topical issues on, for example, main grid planning, construction and measurement, as well as questions in principle concerning main grid connections.
Customers' views and needs are the basis of grid planning. The Grid Committee aims to improve and further deepen this interaction to jointly develop cooperation relating to planning and grid construction between customers and Fingrid. Committee work increases the exchange of opinions in questions relating to main grid maintenance and the environment.



Janne Ala, Kemijoki Oy
Marko Haapala, Rauman Energia Oy
Olli Huotari, Microsoft 3465 Finland Oy
Timo Jutila, Kajave Oy (Chair)
Tuomas Kupila, Taaleri Energia Oy
Mikko Kurki, Sappi Finland Operations Oy
Harri Leppänen, SSAB Europe Oy
Teemu Loikkanen, OX2 Finland Oy
Jenny Martiskainen, Loiste Oy
Arto Nieminen, Järvi-Suomen Energia Oy
Magnus Nylander, Porvoon Sähköverkko Oy
Jani Pulli, PVO Vesivoima Oy
Tomi Toivonen, Turku Energia Sähköverkot Oy


Fingrid's members:

Jussi Jyrinsalo, Fingrid Oyj

Petri Parviainen, Fingrid Oyj
Katariina Saarinen, Fingrid Oyj (Secretary)

Market Committee

The Market Committee acts as a link between Fingrid and electricity market parties operating in Finland. The Market Committee is an advisory discussion forum that assists the company in the development of the Nordic and European electricity markets. Fingrid informs the Market Committee on the development of the electricity market and European cooperation and, in turn, receives feedback from the Committee on current development plans.


Mika Laakkonen, PD Power Oy (Chair) 
Outi Ervasti, Neste Oyj
Maarit Herranen, Äänekosken Energia Oy
Oskari Jaakkola, Cactos Oy
Jukka Joronen, Tampereen Energia Oy
Mikko Kettunen, Lempäälän Energia Oy
Esko Kytömäki, Volue Energy Market Services AS Filial Finland
Mika Lehtimäki, Boliden Kokkola Oy
Raine Pajo, Eesti Energia AS
Mikko Peltonen, Ilmatar Energy Oy
Tommi Riski, Exilion Management Oy
Jan Rönnback, Fortum Oyj
Ville Sihvola, Elenia Oy
Mikael Surakka, Outokumpu Oyj

Fingrid's members

Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Fingrid Oyj  
Annika Ahtiainen, Fingrid Oyj (secretary)