
Datahub is a centralised data exchange system for the electricity retail market, storing information on around 3.8 million electricity points of use. Approximately 80 distribution system operators (DSOs) responsible for electricity transmission and 80 electricity suppliers have switched to the centralised information exchange system, Datahub. The system provides secure, fair and up-to-date access to data for all authorised parties. You can access customer and consumption data for your own electricity usage points via the datahub customer portal.

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Customer portal
Customer portal
Login to the datahub customer portal
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Read more about customer portal
You can find answers to frequently asked questions about the customer portal here.
Datahub services
Datahub services
Datahub's services for the electricity retail market aggregated can be found at palvelut.datahub.fi.

Every day, information is exchanged on more than three million electricity accounting points and, in total, messages are exchanged between companies hundreds of millions of times per year, so the shared system will significantly speed up information exchange. Switching to Datahub will also reduce the number of errors in market processes and make it easier to combine multiple accounting points in the same electricity sales agreement. The shared system will promote the full utilisation of smart grids and meters, and it will also enable the development of new types of applications for electricity consumers, such as apps for saving electricity or monitoring consumption.

Datahub is administered by Fingrid Datahub Oy, which is a subsidiary of Fingrid Oyj.