The objectives of transmission grid maintenance concern safety, transmission system security, and finances. The efficiency of maintenance has been measured on a regular basis in international benchmarking studies.
Fingrid has repeatedly been placed among the best transmission operators in international comparisons, where indicators used include the system security of electricity transmission and cost efficiency.
Fingrid has been granted the internationally recognised certificate ISO 55001 for good asset management, which shows that Fingrid has a clear and systematic way of controlling and managing assets during their entire lifetime.
The maintenance of the transmission grid is decentralised to four geographical areas within the company's regional operations:
• Northern Finland - Oulu office
• Central Finland - offices in Jyväskylä and Varkaus
• Southern Finland - Hämeenlinna office
The regional units co-ordinate maintenance work in their respective areas, and control and supervise the implementation of maintenance for the transmission lines and substations. Fingrid's business model as a client for transmission system equipment and services is founded on the fair competitive bidding of the purchases and services. We comply with all regulations concerning the competitive bidding process and extend them to the entire supply chain.
For more information, contact Fingrid's local offices.