
Extent of the main grid

The naming of the main grid is based on the current revision of the Electricity Market Act (588/2013) and the detailed justifications therein, as well as the statement of the Economics Committee on the matter. The naming decision also takes into account the Energy Authority’s guidelines on naming the main grid (17 December 2014).

According to section 31 of the Electricity Market Act, the transmission system operator must designate and publish the transmission lines, substations, and other equipment that belongs to its main grid for the duration of each supervision period, for the purpose of pricing its transmission services. This information must be provided at least nine months before the start of the supervision period. 

The parties to the transmission system operator’s grid service agreement are entitled to refer the legality of the naming decision published by the transmission system operator to the Energy Authority for investigation within one month of the transmission system operator publishing its decision. Within three months of receiving a naming decision, the Energy Authority is entitled to require the transmission system operator to change its naming decision to the extent that the decision is unlawful.