In order to achieve climate goals it is Fingrid's responsibility to cleanly, cost-effectively, and reliably electrify Finland.
Read more in our 2021 reports
In 2021, we turned our attention more strongly towards the future as well as being able to provide customers with reliable electricity transmission.
In 2021, we were successful in keeping our promises to our customers: The reliability of electricity transmission was good and our grid service fees were among the most affordable in Europe.
Fingrid's forward-looking operations promote Finland's transition to a clean electricity system and
increase Finland's attractiveness in the eyes of international companies and investors. In 2021, Fingrid released its grid vision regarding long-term development needs as well as solutions for the main grid in order to ensure grid investment required in the future can be implemented cost-effectively and that the reliable operation of the power system can be secured when the operating environment changes.
In addition, grid development work involves a main grid development plan and an investment programme that will materialise as a physical grid.
Fingrid in figures 2021
Value created by Fingrid in 2021
Building a clean electricity system for Finland
Fingrid promotes the transition towards a clean power system. The transformation of the energy system calls for major changes in the structures of electricity production, electricity networks and the electricity market.
In 2021, significant quantities of wind power capacity were under planning and construction. We saw an acceleration in the number of enquiries from customers looking to connect new types of electricity
consumption sites, such as data centres, hydrogen production and battery storage, directly to the main grid. Fingrid’s task is to build and maintain the main grid, thus creating a platform for a clean power system.
Our corporate responsibility focus areas are environmental responsibility, social responsibility, and good governance. Every day of the year. Read more >