3.2.2021 14:01
Current News

Stakeholder survey on the market model of reserve markets

In order to attain a holistic view on development requirements of the future reserve market model design, a stakeholder engagement survey is conducted. Feedback can be given until 7.3.2021.

Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSOs) maintain reserve markets to procure different reserves to increase or decrease their electric power consumption or generation to maintain electricity supply and high quality of frequency of the electricity system. In order to be equipped to handle the changes of the electricity system, also the market model needs to be continuously kept up to date.

The stakeholder engagement survey is conducted to attain a holistic view on development requirements of the future reserve market model design.

This stakeholder engagement does not hold legal status, but its only purpose is to give all stakeholders an opportunity to give early input in the design of the future FCR-N, FCR-D and FFR markets. The results from this stakeholder engagement are expected to be published during Q2/2021.

Please note that technical requirements of reserves are out of scope in this engagement and therefore there will be no direct questions on that area. Feedback related to technical requirements of reserves is requested to be directed to the Nordic TSOs under the consultations under “FCP”-project (Revision of the Frequency Containment Process) which can be found here (in Finnish).

Feedback about the future reserve market model design can be delivered by preferably using the attached Pdf-template or in free-form. A Word-format template can be reguested seperately. 

Please provide your answers by e-mail no later than 7th of March, 2021 to Fingrid: FCR[at]fingrid.fi with the exact subject “Comments on Nordic reserve market model development 2021”.

All feedback is highly appreciated.

More information:

Taneli Leiskamo, Fingrid, taneli.leiskamo[at]fingrid.fi.

Markku Piironen, Fingrid, markku.piironen[at]fingrid.fi.

Vocabulary: Reserves are power plants and consumption resources which either increase or decrease their electric power according to the need of the power system. The markets for Frequency Containment Reserves for Normal and Disturbance (FCR-N and FCR-D) and Fast Frequency Reserves (FFR) are operational per today in the Nordics.