Fingrid is improving the electricity transmission capacity between Ii and Oulu as the volume of wind power generation increases
Fingrid has decided to build a new 26-kilometre 110-kilovolt transmission line between Ii and Oulu in 2023 and 2024. When the transmission line is built, the old line following the same route will also be replaced. The investments will enable emission-free wind power generation to be connected to the main grid and improve system security in the region.
The volume of electricity generation in the 110-kilovolt grid in the area between Ii and Kemi will increase to approximately 1,000 megawatts by 2025. There will not be enough capacity in the main grid between Ii and Oulu to transmit the increased surplus of generated electricity. Fingrid will build a new 110-kilovolt transmission line between the Isokangas substation in Ii and the Leväsuo substation in Oulu to improve the grid’s transmission capacity. The Isokangas substation will also be expanded to enable the new transmission line to connect to the main grid.
The new transmission line will be located alongside the existing 110-kilovolt Leväsuo–Isokangas A transmission line over a distance of 12 kilometres and in the same location for 14 kilometres. The 14-kilometre shared pylon section will be between the Leväsuo substation and the north shore of the Kiiminkijoki river, and in this section, it will replace the existing 110-kilovolt Leväsuo–Isokangas A transmission line, which is about to reach the end of its service life. The transmission line will be built in 2023 and 2024, and the new connection will be completed in 2024.
The new transmission line will enable increasing volumes of wind power to be transmitted from the area to consumers and improve the main grid’s system security in the Oulu region. In the coming years, investments in the main grid will enable Finland to achieve its goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2035.
Further information:
Timo Kiiveri, Senior Vice President, Fingrid Oyj, tel. +358 40 543 3039