Entry into force of the new Guarantees of Origin Act postponed until autumn – Finextra to continue to issue guarantees of origin on the basis of the current Act
The discussions by Parliament concerning the legislative proposal on guarantees of origin of energy will continue in the autumn session, and the Act is expected to enter into force in October at the earliest.
Finextra will continue to issue guarantees of origin for electricity in accordance with the current Act and terms and conditions of service until the entry into force of the new Guarantees of Origin Act.
We will provide more information on new practices later in the autumn as soon as we know more about the progress of the Act.
Further information:
Kirsi Salmivaara, Fingrid, kirsi.salmivaara(at)fingrid.fi
Our previous bulletin on the topic >
Further information about the Guarantees of Origin service on our website >
Term explanation:
Guarantees of Origin (GO) for electricity are certificates that can be used to verify that electricity has been produced from renewable energy sources or by high-efficiency cogeneration. If an electricity vendor sells or markets renewable energy or if a company otherwise communicates the origin of the electricity it uses, the company should first certify the origin of the electricity and the proportion of renewable energy sources. Certification takes place in the guarantee of origin certificate registry managed by Fingrid. The register is used to grant, use, transfer – within Finland or between European countries – and invalidate guarantee of origin certificates. The register accepts power plants that meet the statutory requirements. The guarantee of origin service will expand with the new act.