The security of the City of Tampere’s electricity supply will be improved
Fingrid has made an investment decision on the renovation of the old Kangasala substation, which is currently in bad repair. The Kangasala substation is an important main grid hub: several 400 kV and 110 kV ring connections start from the station, and the station is responsible for the electricity supply of the City of Tampere.
The Kangasala substation was commissioned in the 1960s and still has several original structures in use. The equipment of the 400 kV switching station will be replaced. The scope of the project is eight power line fields. The 110 kV switching station, on the other hand, will be replaced with a gas-insulated switching station, and this section will have 12 power line fields. Kangasala’s current transformers will remain at the substation, but will be moved closer to the switching stations.
The project is scheduled for completion in 2024.
Further information:
Timo Kiiveri, Director, Network Asset Construction and Maintenance
tel. +358 40 543 3039