8.4.2020 09:07
Current News, Power System

Tariff income and incurred costs 2019 and ITC perimeter fee for Russian cross-border connections for 2020

The costs from the Finnish-Russian 400 kilovolt cross-border trade were 21,0 while the tariff income was 10,3 million euros year 2019. Both are without the perimeter fee (ITC fee). The tariff deficit was 10,7 million euros.

In the end of 2019, Fingrid raised the 400 kilovolt cross-border tariff level on the Russian border. The reason behind the tariff reduction was adjusting the tariff income to the costs caused by the cross-border trade during the regulation period 2016 – 2019.

Respectively, the costs from the Finnish-Russian 110 kilovolt cross-border trade were 1,4 and the tariff income was 1,2 million euros year 2019. Both are without the perimeter fee (ITC fee). The tariff deficit was 0,2 million euros.

Fingrid aim was to even out the costs caused by 400 and 110 kilovolt cross-border trade with the tariff income during the regulation period 2016-2019 and to take into account the cumulative surplus or deficit in the forthcoming regulation period.

ITC perimeter fee for Russian cross-border connections for 2020 confirmed

ITC perimeter fee is 0,7 €/MWh in 2020.

For electricity trade between EU internal electricity market and the third countries so called perimeter fee of the Inter TSO Compensation agreement is applied. The fee is based on EU regulation no 838/2010.

Further information:

Jyri Virolainen, Fingrid, tel. (+358) 30 395 4335