Competition between power exchanges starts in March 2020
The aim is to start competition between power exchanges in Finland and the rest of the Nordic countries on 10 March 2020. From this date onwards, authorised power exchanges are allowed to operate on the Finnish Day-Ahead Market. Starting the competition will provide the market actors with more options for acquiring trading services. This change is a step towards deeper integration of the European power markets.
EU legislation allows competition between European power exchanges. The European Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management contains provisions regarding the matter.
The aim is to launch competition between power exchanges on the Day-Ahead Market starting from 10 March 2020. From this date onwards, authorised power exchanges are allowed to operate in Finland and the other Nordic countries. New power exchanges will enter the market according to the operators’ own schedules.
For the market actors, starting the competition offers more options for acquiring trading services. Going forward, the market actors can choose their preferred power exchange for the wholesale market.
The project has been prepared by the Nordic transmission system operators Fingrid, Energinet, Statnett and Svenska kraftnät, the Nordic regional security coordinator Nordic RSC and three Nominated Electricity Market Operators: Nord Pool, EPEX SPOT and Nasdaq.
With this change, the Nordics will follow Central Europe and become the second region in Europe to enable competition between power exchanges according to the European network code.
We will be providing more information on the progress of the project and any possible specifications to the schedule in early 2020.
Further information:
Juha Hiekkala, Fingrid, tel. +358 40 553 9898
Satu Viljainen, Fingrid, tel. +358 40 707 1511