23.11.2017 14:15
Press Releases

Fingrid has issued a EUR 100 million Green Bond

Fingrid has established a Green Bond Framework as part of its financing strategy. The framework has been validated by a third party opinion provider CICERO. Green bonds are issued under the company's Euro Medium Term Note programme and are listed on the London Stock Exchange as the company's other bonds.

Under the Green Bond Framework the company finances investments which connect renewable energy, reduce electricity transmission losses or improve energy efficiency via smart grids.
"Fingrid's mission is to secure reliable electricity for our customers and the society. We shape the clean, market oriented power system of the future. As also sustainability is one of our core corporate values, it is natural for us to participate in the green bond market to finance our long term investments which have positive environmental effects", says Jan Montell, CFO, Senior Vice President.
Fingrid issued on the 23rd November a 10 year, EUR 100 million green bond with a coupon interest of 1.125 per cent. The transaction arrangers and bookrunner banks were SEB and ING. SEB also acted as the sole green structuring advisor. The transaction raised broad international interest and expanded the company's debt investor base. The bond accounts for approximately 9 per cent of the company's total debt.
Further information is also available in the Green financing section of Fingrid's investor pages >
Further information:
Jan Montell, Chief Financial Officer
+358 30 395 5213 or +358 40 592 4419