1.11.2021 10:43
Current News, Electricity Market

Single price-single position implemented on 1 November in the Nordic countries

The single price-single position will enable balance responsible parties and other market parties to handle their imbalances more efficiently.  

The production and consumption imbalances are merged into one imbalance instead of separate imbalances. The new model for imbalance settlement in the Nordic countries is the first of the key milestones in the NBM program.

 In line with European legislation and the imbalance settlement harmonisation methodology, the decision to implement  single price-single position for imbalance settlement was made in October 2019 by the four Nordic transmission system operators.

More information: 

Marja Eronen, Fingrid, marja.eronen[at]fingrid.fi

Jani Piipponen, Fingrid, jani.piipponen[at]fingrid.fi

More information also at NBM website >

More information on one price model fees >