Fingrid is preparing to connect more wind power to the main grid in Simo
Fingrid has decided to invest in expanding the Simojoki substation in the municipality of Simo to enable the increasing wind power output to be directed to the main grid. Significant investments are being made in the main grid this decade to connect emission-free electricity generation facilities to the power system.
The 110-kilovolt Simojoki substation was commissioned in November 2021 to direct the wind power output in the area to the main grid. Now, the intention is to expand and convert the existing substation to a 400/110-kilovolt substation by 2025, as the volume of wind power generation in the area is about to increase. The decision has now been made to invest in the expansion as wind power projects proceed as planned.
Almost 500 megawatts of new wind power generation will be connected to the 110-kilovolt transmission lines into and out of the Simojoki substation by 2025, according to current plans. The Simojoki substation needs to be expanded to connect wind power projects to the grid. Two more transformers and 400-kilovolt switchgear will be added to the substation. The surplus of electricity in the area will be directed via the substation to the main transmission grid and onwards to consumers.
The substation expansion will be completed by the end of 2024.
Further information:
Timo Kiiveri, Senior Vice President, Fingrid Oyj, tel. +358 40 543 3039