1.3.2021 13:00
Current News, Power System

Fenno-Skan 1 lifetime will be extended until 2040

As a result of joint technical evaluation, Svenska kraftnät and Fingrid have agreed on the intention to continue operation of Fenno-Skan 1 HVDC connection at least until end of 2040. The connection provides 400 MW market capacity between Sweden and Finland.

Svenska kraftnät and Fingrid conducted a technical investigation on the remaining lifetime of Fenno-Skan 1 during 2019-2020. The investigation concludes that reliable operation of the link until 2040 is possible to achieve with extended monitoring of technical equipment, combined with refurbishments and renewals of certain equipment.

Svenska kraftnät and Fingrid have now signed a framework agreement on the lifetime extension of the link at least until 2040. The companies agree on the intention to conduct all necessary actions and investments to enable the continuation of reliable operation of Fenno-Skan 1.

Cross-border connections like Fenno-Skan 1 play an important role when the countries and the Baltic Sea region as a whole are reaching for the climate goals. They enable stronger market integration, improve security of supply and provide flexibility into the power system. Lifetime extension of Fenno-Skan 1 provides a cost-efficient solution to maintain cross-border capacity between the countries. Companies continue investigating possible new interconnectors as a part of European network planning processes.

Further information:

Mikko Heikkilä, Fingrid, mikko.heikkila[at]fingrid.fi

Kimmo Nepola, Fingrid, kimmo.nepola[at]fingrid.fi

Fact box:

Fenno-Skan 1 is a HVDC connection between Dannebo in Sweden and Rihtniemi in Finland. It has been in operation since 1989. Current capacity of the connection is 400 MW.