9.3.2020 14:12
Current News, International News

ENTSO-E: cyber intrusion on its office network

European Network of Transmission System Operations for Electricity ENTSO-E has informed that some of their IT systems had been subjected to a security attack.

The attack was not directed against Fingrid or other transmission system operators, and it didn't have any influence on Fingrid’s customers or other stakeholders. However, as a result of this security attack, the issuing time for the EIC codes issued by Fingrid may be longer than usual.

The incident only affects file exchange policies between Fingrid and ENTSO-E. We have instructed our staff based on the information received from ENTSO-E and we have implemented technical preparedness measures accordingly.

Read more from ENTSO-E's release: https://www.entsoe.eu/news/2020/03/09/entso-e-has-recently-found-evidence-of-a-successful-cyber-intrusion-into-its-office-network/

More information: 

Senior Vice President ICT Kari Suominen, Fingrid, kari.suominen[at]fingrid.fi or tel. +358 (0)30 395 4134