Workshop for stakeholders in June on European balancing platform projects
ENTSO-E’s and European balancing platform implementation framework projects’ (MARI, PICASSO, TERRE, IGCC) invite stakeholders to join workshop on balancing in Brussels on 20th and 21st of June. Also webinar participation is available. The registration for the event should be done at the latest 15.6.
The Guideline on Electricity Balancing (EBGL) mandates all European Union TSOs to submit a number of proposals by the end of the current year regarding the European implementation frameworks for balancing platforms and the harmonization of certain features of imbalance settlement. The intention of the workshop is to present the most updated developments in the different methodologies to be developed according the EBGL.
The more detailed description of the workshop and registration information can be found from ENTSO-E website. Note that also those willing to participate the webinar have to register by 15.6.
Further information:
Eveliina Seppälä, Fingrid Oyj, tel +358 (0)30 395 5106