10.6.2016 09:30
Electricity Market, International News, Current News

Open restful API interface to ENTSO-E's transparency platform

ENTSO-E's European Transparency Platform has now an open Restful API interface through which the data on the platform can easily be fetched to be used in other applications.
Restful API interface is suitable for users that want to request limited volumes of data near to real time. Transparency data can also be downloaded through the web interface. To download the data, users need to register and login into the platform.
ENTSO-E's transparency platform is a central publishing center for electricity market information where e.g. data from production, consumption, transmission and prices of electricity on pan-European level. Transparency platform is based on the EU transparency regulation 543/2013 for electricity markets. The data on the transparency platform are publicly available.
The transparency platform is located in http://transparency.entsoe.eu and the user guide for the API interface is available here http://transparency.entsoe.eu/content/static_content/Static%20content/web%20api/Guide.html