22.11.2016 15:45
Current News, International News

Nordic CEOs sign two important co-operation agreements

​ The Nordic TSOs signed in their meeting 16 November an agreement on new common office to enhance regional system operation and on the implementation of the new Nordic market for the automatic reserves. These actions will ensure system security for the Nordic power system in the future. The CEOs also approved the time line for preparing the follow-up report ‘Challenges of the Nordic Power System’ to be published next summer.
Nordic RSC in Copenhagen – common office for regional system operation

The RSC will extend Nordic co-operation in system operation to a new level. The Nordic RSC will mean more accurate transmission capacities and a more secure power system for the market players.  The RSC will calculate transmission capacities, coordinate outages and perform security analysis on the Nordic level, as well as develop common grid models and prepare short- and medium-term adequacy forecasts across four countries. The RSC will act as a service provider and responsibility will remain within the TSOs.

The official opening will take place on 1 February 2017. 

Common Nordic reserve market (aFRR)

The common aFRR market will have an essential role in maintaining good frequency quality in the future and enabling increasing amount of renewables in the Nordic power system. The Nordic aFRR market is a unique solution based on new regional market principles and allows all players in the region to participate in the market. The common Nordic aFRR capacity market makes it possible to procure the most efficient aFRR balancing resources available for balancing the Nordic synchronous area. In the aFRR capacity procurement phase, the bid selection is based on optimal use of cross-zonal transmission capacity.

The TSOs will propose necessary actions to develop future robust Nordic power system 

The Nordic TSOs will, as stated in the previously published report ‘Challenges and Opportunities for the Nordic Power System’, follow up with a second phase – a ‘Solution Report’.
The TSOs will come up with a common proposal for solutions and actions on how the identified challenges; transmission adequeacy, generation adequeacy, flexibility and inertia will be met in the future. The report will be published in June 2017.

For more information:

President & CEO Jukka Ruusunen, tel. +358 (0)30 395 5140
Senior Vice President Reima Päivinen, tel. +358 (0)30 395 5160

Nordic CEOs guide the regional co-operation between the TSOs. The CEOs approve common strategy for Nordic co-operation. The CEOs give tasks to working groups in different focus areas and the working groups report regularly to the CEO group concerning the development of the joint work. The Nordic transmission system operators (TSO) have a long tradition of co-operating in grid and market development in order to secure the supply of electricity to the consumers, based on a regional perspective as well as integration of renewable energy sources. The work is closely linked to European level co-operation at ENTSO-E.