Main grid development plan includes investments of 1.2 billion euros for 2015 – 2025
In accordance with the Finnish Electricity Market Act, Fingrid has, as the main grid owner, compiled a ten-year main grid development plan concerning its main grid and the grid's connections to other electricity networks. The main grid development plan presents the development needs of the Finnish main grid and planned investments for 2015 – 2025.The investments aim at ensuring the main grid's system security and an adequate transmission capacity in the present as well as the future. According to the plan, investments in the main grid and cross-border connections in 2015 – 2025 total around 1.2 billion euros, i.e. an average of 110 million euros every year.
The largest main grid development project in the next few years will be the construction of a new 400 kilovolt transmission grid in Ostrobothnia, in the coastal area between Pori and Oulu. The project will be completed during 2017. By 2020, the first trunk line in the Finnish main grid from Imatra to Turku will also be replaced in its entirety.
Growing transmission needs will also be taken into account as the tranmission connection is renewed.
An essential future development project for Fingrid is the construction of a new 400 kilovolt transmission connection from Central Finland to Northern Sweden to serve the electricity markets. The new transmission connection is planned to be taken into use in 2025. The development plan also includes the reinforcement of the Helsinki area grid, scheduled for 2020 – 2025, with a new 400 kilovolt cable connection.
The main grid development plan is available in its entirety on Fingrid's website.
Senior Vice President, grid services and planning, Jussi Jyrinsalo
tel. +358 40 550 2044
tel. +358 40 551 3947