Fingrid secures electricity supply in Eastern Finland by renewing the Huutokoski substation
Transmission system operator Fingrid has made an investment decision on the renewal of the Huutokoski substation. The investment helps to secure the electricity supply in Eastern Finland.The Huutokoski substation, located near Varkaus, is very important for system security in Eastern Finland, because, together with the Alapitkä substation north of Kuopio, it supplies electricity for a large area inhabited by over 500,000 people. In addition, the Huutokoski 110 kilovolt switchyard is connected to three of Fingrid's reserve power plants that generate electricity to secure the adequacy of electricity during possible disturbances in the electricity system.The equipment of the Huutokoski 400/110 kilovolt substation, built in the early 1970s, is approaching the end of its technical service life. The Huutokoski 400 kV switchyard was renewed in 2013 in conjunction with the construction of the second Yllikkälä – Huutokoski 400 kilovolt transmission line, and following the new investment decision, the 110 kilovolt switchyard will be renewed, as well. The old 110 kilovolt air-insulated switchyard will be removed and, due to reasons relating to space utilisation, replaced with a new gas-insulated switchyard. At the same time, other equipment and systems at the substation will be renewed as necessary.
The investment is worth around 12 million euros, and the construction work will begin in summer 2016. The project will be completed by the end of 2017.
The Huutokoski substation project is part of the main grid's long-term development plan. In the development plan for the Savo-Karelia area, investments to be made in the next ten years are mainly due to the ageing of the main grid. This investment, as well as other future investments in the area, will keep the main grid's system security at its current high level.
Further information:
Senior Vice President, grid services and planning, Jussi Jyrinsalo
tel. +358 40 550 2044