Fingrid continues to secure the electricity supply of the capital region by developing the Espoo substation
Transmission system operator Fingrid has made an investment decision on the development of the Espoo substation. The investment helps to secure the supply of electricity in Western Uusimaa, especially Espoo, Kirkkonummi and Kauniainen.The task of the Espoo substation is to connect Fingrid's main grid with local high-voltage distribution networks. The substation's transformer connects the main grid's 400 kilovolt and the distribution network's 110 kilovolt live parts. Electricity consumption in Espoo and surrounding municipalities has increased, while electricity production in Espoo has significantly decreased.
As a result of these changes, increasing amounts of electricity are being transmitted from the main grid to Western Uusimaa via the Espoo substation's transformer.
Due to growing electricity transmission needs, the transformer capacity of the Espoo substation will be increased. Following Fingrid's investment decision, a second 400/110 kilovolt transformer will be added to the substation, and the 400 and 110 kilovolt switchgears will be expanded. At the same time, renovations will also be carried out at the substation.
The investment is worth nearly 9 million euros, and the construction work will begin in summer 2016. The project will be completed at the end of 2017.
The investment in the Espoo substation and the development of the Länsisalmi substation in Vantaa, announced in September, are part of Fingrid's systematic investment programme aiming at improving the electricity supply in the capital region and maintaining the system security of electricity supply on the current excellent level despite the reduction in local electricity production.
As a result of these changes, increasing amounts of electricity are being transmitted from the main grid to Western Uusimaa via the Espoo substation's transformer.
Due to growing electricity transmission needs, the transformer capacity of the Espoo substation will be increased. Following Fingrid's investment decision, a second 400/110 kilovolt transformer will be added to the substation, and the 400 and 110 kilovolt switchgears will be expanded. At the same time, renovations will also be carried out at the substation.
The investment is worth nearly 9 million euros, and the construction work will begin in summer 2016. The project will be completed at the end of 2017.
The investment in the Espoo substation and the development of the Länsisalmi substation in Vantaa, announced in September, are part of Fingrid's systematic investment programme aiming at improving the electricity supply in the capital region and maintaining the system security of electricity supply on the current excellent level despite the reduction in local electricity production.
Further information:
Jussi Jyrinsalo, Senior Vice President, grid services and planning,
tel. +358 40 550 2044