Fingrid’s grid development plan published
The national 10-year development plan for the high-voltage electricity transmission grid in Finland contains a summary of how Fingrid will develop the grid so that it will fulfil the prescribed system security requirements and requirements concerning the development of the electricity market, considering the ageing of the grid.The 10-year grid development plan covers the capital investments to be made in the grid over the next 10 years. The large-scale projects, or the so-called basic grid solutions, are presented in more detail in the plan. There are also plans for increasing the cross-border transmission capacity between Finland and its neighbouring countries.
Fingrid’s 10-year grid development plan is part of the European process of electricity transmission system planning, which is based on Directive 714/2009 in accordance with the third energy market package of the EU. The new Electricity Market Act in Finland will also contain provisions of the grid development plan. The Government bill for the new Act is currently being processed by the Finnish Parliament. The development plan in full (in Finnish) can be found in the link on the right.
ENTSO-E published its European Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2012 (TYNDP) on 5 July 2012.
Fingrid’s 10-year grid development plan is available in this link.
More information can also be found here.
More information:
Antero Reilander, tel. +358 30 395 4199
More information can also be found here.
More information:
Antero Reilander, tel. +358 30 395 4199