30.1.2012 15:00
Current News

Market information on Russian imports have been changed

The market information regarding Russian imports will be published earlier and in a clearer way at Fingrid's web site. Commercial flow will from now on include bilateral trade as well as Elspot and Elbas trade, but only from Fingrid's cross border connections. This increases transparency regarding import information.

​Information on bilateral trade will be published earlier than it used to so that the volumes are known to market participants before closure of the Elspot trade. After Elspot results have been published, the trade is added to the figures of commercial flow and also possible Elbas trade is added before operational hour.

There has been a change in Russian imports lately. Imports that used to be firm have become more volatile, since the Nordic and Russian electricity market prices are closer to each other.

Cross-border transmission capacities - Russia is under development and there will be more information on imports in future.
More information: Risto Lindroos, tel. +358 30 395 5139 and
Katja Lipponen, tel. +358 30 395 5106