Consultation workshop on NC RfG scheduled for 15 February 2012
A public stakeholder consultation workshop for ENTSO-E’s draft Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all Generators is scheduled to take place in Brussels on 15 February. The workshop is part of ENTSO-E’s public consultation, which is due to start end of January 2012 for a period of two months.The public stakeholder workshop aims at giving an overview of the steps taken in this code development process, as well as elaborating on the motivation of the technical approach taken in this code.
The workshop will be held in Brussels on 15 February 2012, from 9h30 to 16h00 CET. More information can be found on ENTSO-E website.
Fingrid will hold a public stakeholder information workshop for Finnish stakeholders in Helsinki on the next day 16th February, details and more information will be published later.