
Entso-E: Public consultation of European Ten-Year Network Development Plan

The pilot Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) presents a forward-looking proposal for electricity transmission infrastructure investments across 34 European countries. Stakeholders are asked to provide their comments on the document. The final Ten-Year Network Development Plan will be published in the summer 2010.The objectives of the TYNDP are to ensure transparency regarding the electricity transmission network and to support decision-making processes at regional and European level. The report is the most comprehensive and up-to-date European-wide reference for the transmission network.

It points to significant investments in the European power grid in order to help achieve the European energy policy goals. Meeting the goals demands some 35,000 km of new transmission lines and 7,000 km of existing line upgrades. TSO's plan to complete 44 % of the work in the coming five years, and about 56 % in the following five-year period. Further information: Entso-E's pressrelease