
Fingrid ranked high in international efficiency benchmarking

Fingrid has achieved excellent results in a benchmarking survey carried out by the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), measuring the overall efficiency of electricity transmission system operation. The benchmarking involved 22 European transmission system operators (TSOs) from 19 countries.According to the benchmarking results, the European TSOs could improve their cost efficiency by an average of 13 per cent. Fingrid Oyj and two other TSOs were found to be exceptionally efficient. A total of 12 TSOs were assessed to have efficient operations at the moment. The efficiency analysis compared the total costs of the companies in grid construction, maintenance, planning and administration. The material on the costs and grid assets of the companies, used in the study, dated from 2006. The trend in the productivity of the TSOs between 2003 and 2006 was also studied. The results show that productivity improved by 2.2 - 2.5 per cent during this period. The Finnish Energy Market Authority is a member of CEER (further information at www.energy-regulators.eu). More information on the benchmarking on the website of the Energy Market Authority.

Corresponding results also in earlier surveys

For a length of time now, Fingrid has participated actively in international benchmarking which measures the efficiency of transmission grid operation. Fingrid has also taken part in an annual European survey concerning the price of transmission grid service. Fingrid received a high ranking in operational efficiency and service quality in an international benchmarking concerning transmission grid maintenance (ITOMS - International Transmission Operations and Maintenance Study) in 2007. Fingrid already applies many of the best practices identified in the most recent benchmarking. The results of the surveys have indicated that operational efficiency has improved both within Fingrid and in the industry in general. Fingrid’s grid tariff is clearly one of the lowest in Europe. The results achieved by Fingrid in earlier benchmarking surveys are in line with the results obtained in CEER’s benchmarking. Fingrid’s good results in benchmarking stem from the history of transmission operation in Finland and from Fingrid’s efficient procedures. Transmission system operation in Finland was incorporated into a separate company at an early stage in international electricity market developments, as a result of which competitive bidding and focus on the core expertise have yielded considerable savings. “Fingrid’s efficiency is based on the high level of expertise possessed by the personnel, successful operating models with service providers, effective utilisation of advanced information systems, and constant improvement and monitoring of efficiency as part of the corporate culture. Moreover, the quality of the company’s services is high. This is evidenced by the small number of operation disturbances and outages in Finland,” says Business Development Manager Jukka Metsälä.
More information: Jukka Metsälä +358 30 395 5280