Fingrid among the most efficient transmission system operators
International study of TSOs: Fingrid, the transmission system operator (TSO) in Finland, received a high ranking in operational efficiency and service quality in an international benchmarking study among TSOs. High productivity is reflected in issues such as low transmission prices of electricity. One of the future challenges of the company is to retain the high system security as the grid is ageing.Fingrid participated in ITOMS (International Transmission Operations and Maintenance Study) for the seventh time. Fingrid was again one of the best TSOs in terms of electricity transmission reliability and cost efficiency. Fingrid’s success is based on the operating model applied to the construction and maintenance of the grid, and effective utilisation of advanced information systems. The quality of the company’s services is high, because the number of operational disturbances and outages in Finland is at a low level. The international study was carried out by UMS Group Inc. The study comprised the comparison of grid maintenance quality and costs of dozens of TSOs. The study has been carried out almost every second year since 1994, and it is considered as one of the most valued benchmarking studies in the electricity transmission industry. The 2007 study concerned 29 TSOs around the world. Of the companies studied, 11 were from Europe, 8 from North America, 6 from Australia/New Zealand, and 4 from Asia/Africa. The data was analysed in 19 sectors, and Fingrid was among the best quarter in almost all sectors. Overall, Fingrid’s system security represented top level, and its costs were clearly below average. Fingrid was hence one of the three “Top Performers”. Retaining the efficiency calls for constant operational enhancement. The study concludes that Fingrid has a challenge of maintaining the high system security as the transmission grid becomes older. Fingrid has an extensive capital expenditure programme for the coming years. Transmission connections will be reinforced, and the capital investments in the grid will rise to an annual level of more than 100 million euros. Further information:Kari Kuusela, Executive Vice President, tel. +358 (0)40 502 7333
Marcus Stenstrand, Manager, Maintenance Management, tel. +358 (0)40 592 3588 Appendix: Graph of transmission reliability in Fingrid’s grid 1997 - 2007 Transmission reliability in Fingrid’s grid 1997 - 2007