Fingrid and Svenska Kraftnät have agreed to implement 600 MW ramping limit on Fennoskan at the Nordic flow-based go-live
The Nordic TSOs are working on the flow-based capacity calculation methodology to be taken into use on October, 2024. Flow-based methodology brings forth some changes that create a specific challenge related to some of the old HVDC interconnectors.
Analysis of the results from the Nordic flow-based parallel run shows that introduction of flow-based have consequences to the operation of Fenno-Skan (SE3-FI). Flow change between market time units (ramping) will increase with implementation of flow-based on the level that would be technically unfeasible, in addition the market changes, especially flow-based and later the shift from 60 min to 15 min market resolution will increase both the total number of polarity reversals (change of flow direction on the cable) and shorten the time period between the polarity reversals. This can potentially increase the wear and tear on the older HVDC cables and shorten the lifespan of these important interconnectors.
Svenska Kraftnät and Fingrid have agreed to introduce 600 MW ramping on Fenno-Skan on the flow-based go-live. This guarantees that Fenno-Skan can run assigned reference power from MTU to another. Market simulations has shown that polarity reversals, that stress the cable, are reduced by this change as an added benefit. Market simulations have shown limited socio-economic welfare impact for this change.
Ramping limit on Fenno-Skan will be included in the ongoing flow-based external parallel runs, that are run until the go-live of Nordic flow-based in order to give stakeholders the opportunity to get acquainted with the results.
More information:
Maarit Uusitalo, Fingrid Oyj
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