Customers trust Fingrid to work in the interests of society
Fingrid conducted its annual customer satisfaction survey in September. Customers think the services work well and Fingrid works in the interests of society. The Net Promoter Score was +45.
Customers feel that Fingrid’s services work well. The survey asked customers to evaluate individual services on a scale of 1 to 5. The results ranged from 3.89 to 4.28. The average rating for main grid services was 4.20, and the average for electricity market services was 4.04. Customers awarded the highest individual service rating for the smoothness of operational cooperation (4.28) and gave the lowest rating for balance services (3.89). Overall, customer satisfaction with Fingrid’s services was good, and the services meet customers’ needs (3.94). The Net Promoter Score was +45 (2022: +50, 2021: +41).
Customers trust Fingrid to work in the interests of society. Customers appreciate the expertise, problem-solving ability, and service aptitude of Fingrid’s specialists, although some commented on the longer processing times when staff were busy. Customers would like more predictability in investments, technical requirements, and possible production limitations.
“Cooperation with customers is essential for the energy transition and one of our strategic focuses. We aim to improve the customer experience by enhancing processes and operating models. We will do this work with our customers,” emphasises Jussi Jyrinsalo, Senior Vice President in charge of customer relations.
A total of 264 customers using main grid and electricity market services responded to the customer satisfaction survey. The response rate was 30 per cent.
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated using the answers to the question, “How likely is it that you would recommend Fingrid’s way of working with its customers to a friend or colleague?”. The number of people awarding scores of 9 or 10 is deducted from the number giving scores of 0 to 6. The NPS can range from -100 to +100.