Baltic Sea Transmission System Operators prepare to manage risks on electricity adequacy
The leaders of the Baltic Sea electricity transmission system operators met in Helsinki on 2nd of November to discuss the energy crisis in Europe and the electricity adequacy of the region.
The transmission system operators of the Baltic Sea region actively cooperate and share information on the security and the electricity supply situation in the region. Should there be concrete restrictions on the availability of electricity, the transmission system operators will cooperate to minimize effects for electricity users. A joint expert group analyzes the adequacy situation in the Baltic Sea region, especially in order to identify cross-border impacts and dependencies.
As pointed out in the early insights for the 2022/2023 Winter Outlook recently published by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, ENTSO-E, the energy market faces higher adequacy risk and overall lower security margins compared to recent winter periods, especially in January and February. In the Baltic Sea region, under dry scenarios adequacy risks emerge in Southern Sweden, Southern Norway and East Denmark. In low nuclear scenario adequacy risks substantially increase in Southern Sweden and in Finland, which is relying on imports.
The leaders of Baltic Sea transmission system operators jointly express their common understanding of the risks on electricity adequacy of the region. The transmission system operators are ready to work in cooperation to facilitate electricity adequacy and provide each other the necessary information as well as system services to reduce risks.
Despite the already declining demand for electricity in the region, the leaders advise electricity users to continue energy saving. Saving target of 10% gross electricity consumption has been agreed by the Council of the EU as the most appropriate tool to lower energy price and to avoid restrictions on the availability of electricity.
Baltic Sea Electricity Transmission System operators are Elering, AST, Litgrid, Svenska kraftnät, Statnett, Energinet, Fingrid, PSE and 50Hertz.
Further information:
Jukka Ruusunen, CEO, Fingrid Oyj, tel. +358 40 593 8428
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The leaders of the Baltic Sea electricity transmission system operators