3.9.2021 16:07
Current News

Issue 2/2021 of the Fingrid Magazine published

The second Fingrid customer magazine of the year has been published. The theme for this issue is the main grid, a platform for a clean power system. The magazine is published in print and online in Finnish and English. 

In the editorial of the 2/2021 issue of the Fingrid magazine, Juha Hiekkala, Market Development Manager at Fingrid, describes a situation that occurred last March, when the Swedish transmission system operator suddenly began limiting the transmission of electricity to Finland. What happened to the transparency and predictability of transmission system operators?

Another article that does not shy away from the difficult topics is the interview with Fortum’s Simon-Erik Ollus on collaboration in Nordic electricity markets. He says that Nordic electricity companies are currently drifting apart because of factors such as the differing carbon-neutrality targets in different countries. “The transmission system operator must ensure the security of supply in all circumstances by looking far enough ahead into the future,” he says. According to Ollus, this is exactly how Fingrid has operated: with an eye to the future.

The main article describes a typical day at the Main Grid Control Centre. The Main Grid Control Centre monitors the power system 24/7 to ensure that there is enough electricity in every part of the country.

The other articles in the magazine include:

  • Demand-side management offers benefits for the carbon-neutral energy system of the future
  • Column by Antti Paananen from the Energy Authority on the corporate responsibility of electricity network companies
  • Presenting a project to boost connection capabilities
  • Grid energy storage supports the energy revolution
  • The elite of industrial design – Fingrid’s landscape towers


The articles in the Fingrid magazine will also be published in stages in our online magazine at www.fingridlehti.fi/en.

The PDF version of the 2/2021 issue of Fingrid magazine is available on our website >

As usual, Safety on the lines, Fingrid’s occupational safety publication will be published alongside the Fingrid magazine. Safety on the lines re-emphasises this year’s occupational safety theme: think before you act!
The importance of work planning and anticipation cannot be overstated, especially when the amount of work is increasing as more and more investment projects take place. The magazine also includes an interesting article about an accident that occurred on a transmission line worksite towards the end of last year. The contractor identified the need for improvements and enhanced the safety conditions to prevent similar accidents from occurring again.

The PDF version of Safety on the lines is available on our website >

The articles in the Fingrid magazine will also be published in stages in the online magazine at www.fingridlehti.fi/en.

​​​​​​​Additional information:

Marjut Määttänen, Communications, Fingrid, marjut.maattanen[at]fingrid.fi