Solutions Report 2020
The four Nordic TSOs has published the Solutions Report 2020, which is an update to the 2018 report ”The way forward - Solutions for a changing Nordic power system.” The Solution Report 2020 provides an overview of the joint Nordic projects that have been identified as key solutions to address challenges in the Nordic power system.
Today, the transmission system operators (TSOs) of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway launched the Solutions Report 2020. The study contains a collective reporting of joint Nordic projects that have been identified as key solutions to address challenges in the Nordic power system in the period leading up to 2025.
The Nordic power system is currently undergoing the most substantial changes since the liberalization of power markets more than 20 years ago. The changes are driven by climate policy and more cost-effective solutions, and it results in a changing electricity generation mix with less predictable generation and more small-scale, intermittent and distributed resources. In addition, the demand patterns develop due to electrification, urbanization and new industrial sectors. This report provides a joint Nordic picture of the status of the effort related to addressing new solutions in the Nordic grid. In addition to reporting the status of the projects, the report also incorporates comments received from stakeholders about the progress of tasks and the challenges they still see in the Nordic power grid.
In 2016, the Nordic TSOs published the report "Challenges and opportunities for the Nordic Power System", which identified challenges within the five areas of system flexibility, transmission and generation adequacy, frequency quality and inertia. Working with Stakeholders, the TSOs identified the key solutions to the identified challenges and described these in the report ”The way forward - Solutions for a changing Nordic power system”. Since the way forward report, the Nordic TSOs and their stakeholders have been successful in progressing with several of the key solutions.
The main messages from the update in this report is that the previously identified challenges and solutions are still relevant. The report describes several successful projects or elements of projects have already been completed and the plans for continuing this trend. Finally, the report describes how rapid changes in the energy system requires innovation and agility in addressing the challenges and how the four TSOs are continuing to work closely with stakeholders to understand the requirements of the market participants.
Due to COVID-19, the Nordic TSOs will hold a webinar rather than a physical meeting related to the release of Solutions Report 2020. The webinar will be held on June 2, 2020. To receive more information regarding the webinar once available, please email to be added to the mailing list.
Please find the Solutions Report 2020 here.
For more information, please contact:
Hanne Storm Edlefsen, Chair Solutions Report 2020
Director, Strategic Planning
Energinet Elsystemansvar
+45 23 33 85 50