13.12.2019 12:00
Electricity Market

Report: Fast Frequency Reserve – Solution to the Nordic inertia challenge

The Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSOs) have published a stakeholder information report of a new reserve product, Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR), which is a new reserve product being implemented to handle low inertia situations. The new reserve is to be implemented by summer 2020.

Operating conditions with low inertia have become more frequent in the Nordic power system, and at times the inertia is so low that the current reserve products alone are not sufficiently fast. Therefore, the Nordic TSOs are currently implementing FFR to handle low inertia situations with a plan to have the new reserve in operation by summer 2020.

The published report explains the need behind FFR and provides an overview of the technical requirements set for FFR. The report also provides an estimate of the amount of FFR needed during the next year.

In order to have FFR in operation as soon as possible, the Nordic TSOs have decided to start by procuring FFR on national markets. The goal is to later work towards a common Nordic FFR market. During 2020, the procurement obligation will be divided between the TSOs using following sharing key: Energinet 14 %, Fingrid 20 %, Statnett 42 % and Svenska kraftnät 24 %. A brief overview of the national markets is provided in the report.

Further information:

Mikko Kuivaniemi, Fingrid, mikko.kuivaniemi[at]fingrid.fi, tel. +358 30 395 5188