14.1.2019 14:07
Electricity Market

Proposals according to Balancing guideline submitted

Proposals according to Balancing guideline have now been submitted to regulatory authorities.

Guideline on electricity balancing requests European Transmission System Operators to develop and submit to regulatory authorities common proposals regarding electricity balancing markets. Fingrid has submitted six proposals to Finnish Energy Authority (Energiavirasto) in December.

Common proposals concern the implementation frameworks for European manual and automatic frequency restoration reserve platforms, pricing of balancing energy, activation purposes of balancing energy bids, imbalance settlement harmonization and settlement of intended exchanges between TSOs.

According to Balancing guideline, regulatory authorities have six months to either give commonly approval for the proposals or ask transmission system operators for amendments to the proposals.

An announcement released by Entso-E with all submitted proposals accompanied with explanatory documents can be found from Entso-E’s website.

Further information:

Eveliina Seppälä, Fingrid Oyj, tel. +358 (0)30 395 5106