8.11.2023 14:43
Current News, Electricity Market

ACER's Board of Appeal upheld ACER's original decision regarding the development of hedging opportunities between Finland and Sweden

ACER's Board of Appeal issued its decision on Fingrid's appeal concerning the development of hedging opportunities between Finland and Sweden on 24 October 2023. The Board of Appeal upheld ACER's original decision in the case. Fingrid shall decide on whether to take further action at a later stage following a comprehensive internal review of the BoA decision.

Fingrid's deadline for submitting the proposal is within two months of the Board of Appeal's decision.

For further information contact:

Marina Louhija, Fingrid Oyj, marina.louhija[at]fingrid.fi, puh. +358 40 519 0627

Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Fingrid Oyj, asta.sihvonen-punkka[at]fingrid.fi, puh .+358 50 573 9053


ACER's decision no. 12/2022 

Announcement of appeal 

ACER Board of Appeal decision
ACER BoA decision corrigendum