Fingrid to increase the transmission capacity from the west coast to Southern Finland
Finland’s transmission system operator Fingrid will build a new 400 kV and 110 kV transmission line connection over the 69 kilometres from Huittinen to Forssa. The new transmission line will enable the growing electricity production surplus on the west coast of Finland to be transmitted to Southern Finland. Construction of the transmission line will begin next year, and the connection will be completed in 2025.
Fingrid will build a new 400 + 110 kilovolt transmission line connection from Huittinen to Forssa. The line will be located in the Huittinen, Loimaa, Humppila, Jokioinen and Forssa areas. The new connection will be built alongside the existing 400-kilovolt transmission line that follows the same route, and it will mainly replace the 110-kilovolt Kolsi–Forssa transmission line, which will be demolished. Using existing transmission line rights-of-way reduces the need to use new land areas.
The new 400-kilovolt transmission line connection will increase the electricity transmission capacity from the west coast to Southern Finland and significantly improve energy efficiency, reducing the power losses incurred in electricity transmission by 48,000 megawatt-hours per year. It will also enable renewable electricity generators to connect to the grid.
The new transmission line connection will also allow for better maintenance outages and increase the fault tolerance of the grid. In connection with the project, the new 110-kilovolt Metsämaa substation will be built in Loimaa, helping to improve system security in the area.
Construction of the transmission line will begin in 2023, and the project will be completed in 2025. The investment cost of the project is approximately EUR 60 million.
Further information:
Timo Kiiveri, Senior Vice President, Fingrid Oyj, tel. +358 40 543 3039