27.6.2022 14:06
Current News, Electricity Market

Changes to the submission of generation plans of balance responsible parties

Technical guidelines for submitting generation plans are changing. The changes are based on Fingrid's development work on data exchange in the electricity market and will enter into force 22 May 2023. Fingrid will publish further technical instructions by the end of 2022.

Fingrid is changing technical guidelines for submitting generation plans. The practice and related requirements set out in the guidelines will enter into force with the transition to the 15-minute imbalance settlement period on 22 May 2023. This will result in changes in the creation and submission of the generation plans of balance responsible parties.

The key changes are as follows:

  • Move in generation plan resolution from hourly to 15-minute level
  • End of support for the DELFOR message format used to submit generation plans
  • Possibility to send generation plans via the ECP data exchange platform instead of the traditional EDIEL message traffic

The changes are based on Fingrid's development work on data exchange in the electricity market. As new data exchange solutions become more common, the parallel maintenance of old ones is inefficient, which from time to time also causes needs for change for operators. Fingrid's goal is to provide a flexible transition to submitting 15-minute generation plans, with a deadline of 22 May 2023. Further information will be provided later.

In support of the key changes mentioned at the beginning of the release, Fingrid will publish separate ‘Guidelines on reporting and data exchange of generation plans’ by the end of 2022. The guidelines will provide detailed specifications for the submission of generation plans as of 22 May 2023.

Additional information:

Teemu Väre, Fingrid
Anders Lundberg,  Fingrid
E-mail addresses: forename.surname@fingrid.fi