Nordic Grid Development Plan and Generation Adequacy Assessment
The transmission system operators (TSOs) of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway today launched two common documents: A Nordic Grid Development Plan and a common report on Generation Adequacy including market measures to assure adequacy including market measures to assure adequacy and a methodology for assessment. The two documents are responses to tasks set out by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The Nordic Grid Development Plan contains a collective reporting of current plans and grid development projects across the Nordics, and in addition, identifies five prioritized corridors where additional development needs will be assessed during the next two years. The five corridors are Norway-Denmark, Norway-Sweden, Norway-Finland, Sweden-Finland and Sweden-Denmark.
-Main drivers for Nordic grid development identified in the plan are new renewable generation, increased transmission north-south, new interconnectors towards Continental Europe and UK and decommissioning of nuclear plants in Sweden. In addition, security of supply remains a central driver for development, says Director Jussi Jyrinsalo from Fingrid Oyj.
Power generation is facing massive changes across Europe, and even within the Nordic power system the phasing in of intermittent renewables combined with decommissioning of thermal plants is challenging the operation of the power system.
The changes are also affecting the market and influencing the profitability of conventional generation. The need to assess generation adequacy and further develop efficient markets is a priority for the TSOs. Well-functioning markets are key in ensuring generation adequacy.
-We have identified a number of areas where the markets can be developed to further support adequacy in the power system. Jyrinsalo says.
Specifically, four current projects will facilitate this. This includes the implementation of higher time resolution in the markets, revisiting the Nordic model for imbalance pricing to ensure that responsible parties face the full cost of balancing, developing a common Nordic capacity calculation methodology and work on better connecting wholesale and retail markets to empower consumers to benefit from potential flexibility in their demand.
The overarching report "The Way forward - Solutions for a changing Nordic power system" has been postponed. The two documents launched now form part of the basis for the overarching report, which will be launched at a later date.
Additional information:
Planning Manager Maarit Uusitalo, Fingrid Oyj, tel +358 40 511 7568
Director Jussi Jyrinsalo, Fingrid Oyj, tel +358 40 550 2044 (from 10th of August)
The reports: