Fingrid arranges a fault repair exercise for transmission lines and substations in Heinola
Fingrid Oyj, the company responsible for the main grid, prepares for faults in transmission lines and substations by regularly practicing fault repair and by developing co-operation between parties. On 22–23 September 2015, Fingrid will arrange a fault repair exercise in Heinola, in which over 70 Fingrid and service supplier representatives will take part.The theme of the exercise is preparation. Even though major faults are rare in the main grid, Fingrid has prepared for the fast repair of faults by making agreements with transmission line and substation maintenance suppliers concerning an uninterrupted repair readiness. A transmission line tower can fail, among other things, as the result of a natural phenomenon, such as a storm. In the case of a fault, Fingrid and service providers locate the fault, after which service providers deliver sufficient workforce and the necessary spare parts on site. When a tower fails, area clearance, tower structure repairs or the erection of a new tower may be needed. Depending on the situation and the extent of the fault, a new transmission line tower can be erected as quickly as the following day.
The new tower or spare parts needed for repairing a faulty transmission line or part of a substation are collected from a fault repair storage. During the exercise, a new fault repair tower, developed by Fingrid and suitable for narrow spaces, will be introduced at the Heinola storage. The narrow tower can be used, for example, in urban environments and in locations where there is little space for guy wires keeping the tower upright.
The aim of the two-day exercise is to strengthen and develop co-operation between Fingrid and maintenance suppliers, as well as to remind people taking part in fault repairs of their essential tasks during repair. As a result of regular exercises, new development areas are often found; improving these areas also ensures the functionality of the grid in the case of possible faults.
Further information:
Maintenance Manager, substations, Timo Heiskanen, tel. +358 40 503 2458
Maintenance Manager, transmission lines, Mikko Jalonen,
tel. +358 40 827 0159
Maintenance Manager, substations, Timo Heiskanen, tel. +358 40 503 2458
Maintenance Manager, transmission lines, Mikko Jalonen,
tel. +358 40 827 0159