Transmission connection between Hyvinkää and Hikiä complete
The project, costing a total of 34 million euros, has modernised the high voltage network in southern Finland. Part of Finland's electricity transmission history has entered a new era.Grid network company Fingrid Oyj has taken a new high voltage connection into use between Hyvinkää and Hikiä. The growth in electricity consumption is predicted to continue especially in the area north of Helsinki in the direction of Tampere. In the future, a large amount of electricity for cities in the region - Hyvinkää, Riihimäki and Hämeenlinna - as well as surrounding areas, will be transmitted via the distribution substations located in Hikiä and Nurmijärvi.
The extensive three-year project saw the implementation of several individual project components. The renewed transmission connection was completed on schedule in November 2013.
The project dealt with some historic connections. The 110 kilovolt double line between Hikiä and Nurmijärvi known as the "Iron Lady" and built in the 1920s was retired as it was replaced with the new line. At the same time, the Hyvinkää 400 kilovolt switchgear, implemented in the 1960s, completed its service life and the new power line bypasses the old station to the south. The Hikiä substation became the new central hub for the 400 kilovolt line. The extension of the Hikiä substation allows for the connection of new high-voltage power lines between Hyvinkää and Hikiä as well as Hikiä and Forssa to the Hikiä substation.
Fingrid's new "field pylon" model for power pylons will be taken into use for the first time along the power line. A Fennia Prize 2012 Grand Prix award winner, the pylon aims to minimise disruption to agriculture and to improve occupational safety.
During the 34 million euro project, new 400 kilovolt and 110 kilovolt switchgears, as well as another transformer, were constructed at the Hikiä substation. The 17.5 kilometre section of 220 kilovolt line between Hikiä and Hyvinkää was replaced with a 400 kilovolt line. Also as part of the project, approximately 2.5 kilometres of the 400 kilovolt line running from the direction of Espoo in the Kalteva region to the south of Hyvinkää was re-routed in accordance with the City of Hyvinkää's land use plans.
The primary contractor for extension work at the Hikiä substation was ABB Oy, the construction subcontractor was Maanrakennus Rasimus Oy and the installation subcontractor was VR-Track Oy. Eltel Networks Oy was responsible for power line work and the main transformer was supplied by Siemens Osakeyhtiö.
Further information:
Executive Vice President Kari Kuusela, tel. +358 (0)30 395 5129
Executive Vice President Kari Kuusela, tel. +358 (0)30 395 5129