Winter period commenced in the maintaining of peak load capacity
As the winter period begins at the beginning of December, the condensing power plants participating in the maintaining of peak load capacity will be shifted over to the power generation readiness of a maximum of 12 hours.The system includes three power plants: Inkoo 3, Kristiina 1 and Vaskiluoto 3. The combined capacity of the power plants is 600 MW. The peak load capacity agreements will be valid until 30 June 2013.In case Swedish or Finnish peak load capacity is activated, market information will be published both at Nord Pool Spot power exchange's and Fingrid's web pages. The operation of Finnish peak load power plants is shown real-time at State of power system at Fingrid's web pages.
Further information:
Jonne Jäppinen, +358 30 395 4225 and Kaija Niskala, +358 30 395 5147.