15.5.2012 11:30
Press Releases

Campaign on the dangers of transmission lines

“What you need to know before you do anything” is the theme of a campaign launched at the end of April, highlighting safety issues when working close to electricity transmission lines. The campaign involves 10 enterprises and organisations.
The objective of the two-year campaign is to remind of the safety instructions for earthwork, cultivation, timber felling and other work carried out close to transmission lines. The target groups from consumers to professionals are to be reached by using a variety of channels, from the Internet to various training sessions.
The campaign covers eye-catching, informative and in-depth materials. The website of the campaign at www.hengenvaara.fi (in Finnish) contains videos, safety instructions and articles on the theme. The campaign material also includes training materials intended for professionals and a safety brochure you can put in your pocket.
Ordinary agricultural and forestry machinery can be operated in the vicinity of transmission lines and in the transmission line area. However, special caution must be exercised near the line and especially the tower structures. Even minor damage inflicted on a transmission line structure may lead to serious consequences. A machine or its part hitting the transmission line can even cause death. The hazardous situations can be related to both overhead transmission lines and underground cables.
“Work sites located close to transmission lines are commonplace. This campaign was launched, because there have been a number of near miss situations in recent years, and unfortunately also some occupational accidents. Luckily, their consequences have been relatively small. Nevertheless, serious accidents have been too close to happening, and in many cases the accidents are the result of pure thoughtlessness. It is therefore important to remind people of the danger that is associated with work carried out close to electricity transmission lines,” says Fingrid’s Marcus Stenstrand, who has been co-ordinating the campaign.
The campaign involves Finnish Energy Industries, Elenia Verkko Oy, EPV Alueverkko Oy, Fingrid Oyj, Fortum Sähkönsiirto Oy, Helen Sähköverkko Oy, INFRA ry, a consortium of electricity companies in Eastern Finland, Tukes, and Vantaan Energia Sähköverkot Oy.
Further information:
Marcus Stenstrand/Fingrid Oyj, tel. +358 (0)30 395 5172 or +358 (0)40 592 3588