
Decision by the Finnish Competition Authority concerning a request for action, made by RAO Nordic

The Finnish Competition Authority has made a decision (7.9.2009, record number 301/61/08) as a result of a request for action made by RAO Nordic. The Competition Authority considered that there is no reason to take further action in the matter, and the Competition Authority removed the matter from processing.RAO claimed that Fingrid had misused its dominating market position on the market for cross-border transmission of electricity.

In terms of the market border fee and use of grid fee for input into the grid, the Competition Authority stated that the study of the matter had not revealed any factors which would support doubts that these fees would be unreasonable or discriminating.

In terms of the power reserve fee, the Competition Authority stated that its own studies had not revealed any factors which would support doubts that the power reserve fee would be unreasonable or discriminating by virtue of article 82 of the EC treaty.

In terms of the ETSO fee, the Competition Authority stated that the fee concerns a system which affects the market throughout the EU and which is supported by the Commission, and that it is used for executing a regulation passed by the European Parliament and Council, adherence to which is monitored in Finland by the Energy Market Authority. In this way, the Competition Authority did not find any cause to assess the reasonableness of the ETSO fee on a national level. Moreover, the preliminary study of the Competition Authority had not revealed any factors which would support doubts concerning procedures which restrict competition.