The TSOs are founding a new European association for the co-operation
The CEOs of the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) signed on 27 June 2008 in Prague a Declaration of Intent (DoI) to create a new association, the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E), before the end of 2008. The DoI was signed by representatives of 36 TSO companies from 31 countries.ENTSO-E, while being an association for the TSO co-operation and representing the common interests of the TSOs, will also be a TSO-body in accordance with the principles set out by the EU in the Third Legislative Package of the Internal Energy Market. ENTSO-E aims at enhancing the integration of the European electricity market and reliable operation of the European power transmission system. The development of common technical and market-related network codes is the key task of the association.
In the autumn, the TSOs will have discussions with the stakeholders regarding the processes and positions of ENTSO-E.
The CEOs of the TSO companies agreed to propose that the activities of the current TSO associations, including the Nordic Nordel, will be transferred to the new association within 6 months after establishment of the new body and the respective associations will be wound up.
The common release of the TSOs can be downloaded at ETSO's website Further information
Juha Kekkonen Executive Vice President +358 30 395 5120, +358 40 560 5274