Preparations launched for new sea cable between Finland and Sweden
Fingrid Oyj and Svenska Kraftnät, the transmission system operators in Finland and Sweden respectively, have drawn up a feasibility analysis of a new electricity transmission connection between the two countries. According to the recently completed analysis report, the new cable connection to be constructed alongside the existing Fenno-Skan sea cable is viable.The new cable connection is included in a shared development plan of the Nordic transmission system operators. The plan contains an assessment of the reinforcement needs and viability of transmission connections, drawn up on the basis of electricity consumption and production forecasts for the coming years. The increase in transmission capacity offered by the new cable connection will improve the functioning of the Nordic electricity market by reducing transmission congestion between Finland and Sweden. The security of supply will improve also. The analysis report states that the new connection will bring economic benefits both to the electricity market players and to the transmission system operators. One major factor contributing to increased electricity transmission needs between the two countries is the decision made in Finland to construct a fifth nuclear power plant in the country. The capacity of the new direct current connection will be 600 to 800 MW. The connection will be composed of a sea cable of approx. 200 kilometres and of power converter stations located at each end of the cable. The estimated investment cost is more than 200 million euros. In Finland, the new connection will be connected to the main grid at the Rauma substation. The new connection does not require any other grid reinforcements in Finland. Fingrid Oyj and Svenska Kraftnät will start the detailed execution planning of the project. The decision concerning the execution of the project will be made in early 2005. The new direct current connection is expected to be ready in 2010. Further information: Fingrid OyjTimo Toivonen, President, tel. + 358 (0)30 395 5250, +358 40 560 5250