German company to construct the transmission line from Jämsä to Jyväskylä
Fingrid Oyj, which is responsible for the main electricity transmission grid in Finland, and the German company SAG Energieversorgungslösungen GmbH have signed a contract on the construction of a 400 kilovolt (kV) transmission line from Toivila in Jämsä to Vihtavuori in Jyväskylä in Central Finland. The contract was subject to international competitive bidding. The contract covers the construction of the 86-kilometre 400 kV transmission line between the Toivila and Vihtavuori substations. From Toivila to Petäjävesi, the new line will be constructed at the site of the existing 220 kilovolt line Hikiä – Jämsä – Petäjävesi. The contract also covers the dismantling of the old line and necessary modifications on the 110 kilovolt lines in the region. Finnish subcontractors in the project include Voimatel Oy and Finnmap. Construction work on the line costing approx. 13 million euros will commence in June. The project will be ready in November 2005. Further information:Antti Linna, Project Manager, tel. + 358 (0)30 395 5168, + 358 (0)40 522 7124