22.4.2002 16:00
Press Releases

Grid modernisation in southeastern Finland complete

Wide "iron ladies" gave way to slim steel towers. Fingrid Oyj, which is responsible for the main electricity transmission grid in Finland, has completed the transmission line and substation projects which increase transmission capacity in the grid in southeastern Finland. The grid upgrading which was necessary because of investments made by local industries also put the 70-year-old "iron ladies", old transmission towers, into history between Imatra and Lappeenranta. The wide iron ladies were once erected on the oldest transmission grid connection in Finland from Imatra to Turku on the west coast. The structure of the old towers would not have been strong enough for the bigger conductors required by elevated transmission capacity, so the old towers were replaced with new, narrow, unguyed steel towers. A total of some 30 kilometres of the line was modernised. The first part of the line from Luukkala to Pulp was completed last spring and the part from Pulp to Imatra in December. The reinforcing connection installed in the towers was completed at the beginning of this year, but it was not made live before the old towers were removed in late March. Removal of old tower foundations and cleaning work still continue.

The extension of the Yllikkälä substation situated southwest of Lappeenranta doubled the transmission capacity of the substation. Another 400 MVA main transformer was installed at the station, and some remote operation connections were renewed. The modification did not extend the substation area.

The renewal of the transmission line and the extension of the substation cost a total of approx. EUR 6 million. The building work was carried out by YIT-Rakennus Oy, Johtotec Oy was responsible for the transmission line project and Fortum Service Oy for the substation modification.

Additional information:
Ritva Laine (transmission line) + 358 40 543 3029
Martti Heinonen (substation) + 358 40 519 5080
Kari Kuusela + 358 40 502 7333