
Structures and roads in transmission line area

No buildings must be built within the building prohibition zone of a transmission line area. The location and building of other structures such as car shelters, roads, flag poles, overhead power or telephone lines, water pipes, sewers, fish basins etc. in the building prohibition zone of a transmission line area requires a permit from Fingrid.

A permit is also needed if you wish to make changes to a structure built earlier in the transmission line area.

Roads, outdoor recreation routes, jogging tracks, snowmobiling

A permit from the landowner and a statement from Fingrid are required for the building of a road, outdoor recreation route, jogging track or skiing track in a transmission line area. With the landowner’s and Fingrid’s permit, a transmission line area can be used for snowmobile riding.

Snowmobile riding is, however, strictly forbidden in tower areas. A snowmobile route must be placed so far from the towers that there is no risk of collision with the tower legs or guys.