29.1.2025 10:09
Press Releases, Current News, Power System

Transmission line for a wind power hub in Central Ostrobothnia acquired as part of the main grid

Fingrid has purchased a section of the transmission line completed last year between Alajärvi and Lestijärvi from Lestijärven sähköverkko Oy. As part of the main grid, the transmission line will be used more efficiently, facilitating the commissioning of new wind and solar power facilities arising in the area.


Fingrid has acquired a 55-kilometre section of a 400-kilovolt transmission line completed last year between Alajärvi and Lestijärvi from Lestijärven sähköverkko Oy. The transmission line was originally built as a connecting line for the Lestijärvi wind farm which is under construction by the renewable energy company OX2.

In addition to the Lestijärvi wind farm, other wind and solar parks will be coming to South, Central and Northern Ostrobothnia. Fingrid is building a new 400-kilovolt transmission line for the main grid throughout the region, to be known as the Lowlands Line. Two new 400 kV power lines are needed for the main grid to provide sufficient transmission capacity. The connection line purchased as part of the main grid comprises the second line. Fingrid will extend it to the new Ullava substation to create a meshed grid.

As part of the meshed main grid, the line in question will be used as efficiently as possible, and the connectivity of new wind and solar power will improve as more connection points become available for new production. At the same time, the reliability of the large wind energy hub in the region will improve substantially because individual line faults in a meshed grid do not cause the electricity transmission outages at substations. Instead, the electricity can be transmitted via a different substation in the main grid. 

The change of ownership of the transmission line connection has been planned for a long time. The change of ownership took place earlier than planned as the studies and plans proceeded favourably, ensuring that the line can be made part of the new Lowlands Line in the main grid.

“We are working with entities in the sector to plan the grid. It is possible that the ownership of transmission lines will change if the plans identify opportunities to boost the efficiency of the grid’s operation through a change of ownership. Fingrid executes a few transmission line transactions annually. This transaction is exceptional, as it is the first 400-kilovolt line that Fingrid has bought,” says Jussi Jyrinsalo, Senior Vice President responsible for main grid services at Fingrid.

The Lestijärvi wind farm built by OX2 will be completed during 2025, after which it will be handed over to its owners, Kymppivoima, Oulu Energy and Kuopion Energia.

Further information:

Jussi Jyrinsalo, Senior Vice President, Fingrid Oyj, tel. +358 30 3955118
Email addresses are in the form firstname.lastname@fingrid.fi